Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Selepas 17 hari, Hisham masih membisu.

who let the dog out
By Rottweiler

Many rear dogs to guard their homes. Dogs have a sentimental hold over humans and some argue they can be hypocritical. In Malaysia, there is one particular big dog that lurks in the dregs and surfaces in his next drama.

Who let that Big Dog Out? He is barking maliciously most characteristically in his concrete jungle of lies.

The blogger known as Big Dog who happily did his ridiculous spin about DAP and Christians and has to date got away scot free, seems to be barking to the tune of his political masters.

He and Marahku (allegedly Shamsul Yunos) lit a seditious spark of venomous hatred with their articles that were carried by Utusan Malaysia.

Recent statements by the Home Minister (who really belongs at home) and the MISInformation Communication and Culture Ministry show how they need not hold the leash to Big Dog's fat neck because they let this Big Bully Dawg run around rabid style.

Remember - the Home Minister in Dec 16, 2009 took umbrage against bloggers and declared: “There is no credibility in some of their postings while articles are fabricated and sensationalised in an attempt to gain popularity. Local journalists adhered to ethics but these bloggers did not, and this was what differentiated the journalists from these bloggers.”

Now that this Bully Dawg is singing his tune, his comment is: “This type of movement can be deemed as incitement and can put the whole country in jeopardy.”

No wonder Big Dog is running wild and free in the streets!

That aside, let's look at Big Dog's tendency to spew malicious and evil lies.

Big Dog, aka Zakhir Mohamed is the same blogger who published RPK's June 2008 SD in his blog which got RPK in trouble with the police. The big unanswered question is how he got hold of that SD when it was sent to the Altantuya murder prosecutors.


WHY IS HE SO PROTECTIVELY INSULATED? How come? Perhaps it's the protective leash around his neck that did the trick.

His role as an unreliable blogger can be seen in another post here where he gave an in-depth fictitious hypothetical but mischievous post alluding to how RPK could have big sponsors. All unfounded, because people such as Suflan Shamsuddin have refuted it in The Malaysian Insider HERE.

Obviously, he has an axe to grind with RPK who has been ISA-ed whilst dogs like him and Shamsul Yunos are free to walk around and stir shit.

Incidentally, since we are on the subject of RPK, take a look at THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO posted in August 2009 which is consistent with what RPK revealed in that TV3 interview - solid evidence that RPK did not make any U-turn in that TV3 interview as some alleged.

Dogs are loyal creatures. Yet, evil dogs like Big Dog cannot be loyal. They will bark and wag to the tune of $$$. He calls himself a BIG dog but is akin to cockroaches who are parasites with unclean habits.

Bullies like Big Dog are normally cowards like his friend Marahku who deleted his blog shivering and holding his shriveled balls. Idiots like them only stick their necks out in situations orchestrated by higher hands because they know they have the powers-that-be behind them. So, they do their dirty work.

WHO LET BIG DOG OUT? Who gave him the license to write such seditious material and remain scot-free? And why?

Does the government care how the public perceives them on this matter?

Whither Malaysia?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Saya telah lama meragui gagasan 1Malaysia yang diperkenalkan oleh PM. Bukan lah kerana "idea PM" ini tidak bernas. Kalau dilihat dari perincian yang di berikan oleh PM dan promosi (indoktrin) oleh pihak kerajaan , tidak syak dasar kerajaan ini amat baik.

Keraguan asas saya adalah kerana ia dicetuskan dan dilaksanakan oleh pemimpin UMNO. Ini adalah kerana falsafah perjuangan UMNO amat bertelntangan dengan idea yang cuba di terapkan. Dasar perjuangan UMNO adalah berjuangan untuk kepentingan orang Melayu dan doktrin yang dogmatik ini tidak pernah berubah.Oleh itu , kita dapat lihat di negeri Pulau Pinang dan Selangor, hulubalang2 UMNO tak habis2 mempertikaikan dasar kerajaan Pakatan yang dikatakan tidak pro Melayu( baca tidak pro kroni UMNO).

Tindakan akhbar Utusan (UMNO) yang semakin aggresif membentuk pendapat umum mengenai survival bangsa Melayu dan agama Islam dengan mengunakan kaeadah
penentuan agenda (agenda setting) dan propaganda semakin menyerlahkan kepalsuan Konsep 1Malaysia yang cuba di bawa oleh PM. Ini adalah kerana, PM sebagai Presiden UMNO lebih maklum tentang peranan yang dimainkan ileh Utusan.

Kesimpulannya disini Konsep 1Malaysia hanyalah pertunjukan wayang kulit yang tok dalangnya adalah Najib Razak bagi menghiburkan rakyat jelata yang kurang daya pemikirannya.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It is not Anwar, says HRP

Free Malaysia Today
It is not Anwar, says HRP

KUALA LUMPUR: Indian rights activist P Uthayakumar got a shock when he found a copy of the alleged Anwar Ibrahim sex video in his mailbox.

The Human Rights Party (HRP) secretary-general said that the video, which was in a CD, was sent to him on April 29 via airmail from Thailand.

“When we played the CD to find out what it was, we discovered it was the (alleged) Anwar sex video,” he told reporters at the HRP office.

Uthayakumar said the envelope was postmarked in Thailand on April 25.

He said that he and other HRP members later watched the video in full, and was convinced that the adulterer was not the opposition leader.

Instead, he said that the video was the government’s efforts in trying to “politically kill” off Anwar.

“I think the sender wanted me to influence me to be part of the conspiracy to implicate Anwar,” he said.

Uthayakumar also said that HRP’s vocal criticism of Pakatan Rakyat’s policies may have been a factor in sending the video to him.

“I am not a blind supporter of Anwar and we are very critical of him,” he said.

Nevertheless, he said that the video was part of a greater conspiracy targeted at the PKR supremo.

He accused the police and the Special Branch of having a hand in sending the video to his house, which he claimed not even his close friends knew.

“Nobody knows my exact address,” he said, adding that the letter’s was supposedly printed by the authorities.

‘Police the perpetrators’

Uthayakumar said that the manner in which the letter was sent was similar to a 2004 envelope containing a live bullet mailed to his residence.

He said that he was not going to file a police report over the CD, citing a total lack of confidence over the matter.

“They (police) are the perpetrators of this crime,” he said, adding that there is also a loss of faith in the Malaysian judiciary.

Instead, Uthayakumar said: “We are going to send this CD to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s office with a message to stop this level of gutter politics.”

He added that he was planning on doing so next week.

The sex video was shown in early April to a group of journalists at the Carcosa Seri Negara hotel.

Revealed by businessman Shahzryl Eskay Abdullah, Perkasa treasurer Shuib Lazim and former Malacca Chief Minister Rahim Tamby Chik (collectively known as Datuk T), the video appeared to depict Anwar having sex with a Chinese sex worker.

Anwar has since vehemently denied the claims, and accused the government of political assassination.

Berita ini tak keluar Utusan Meroyan

Kedah online

Kerajaan Negeri beri geran kepada pengusaha Felda


ALOR SETAR - Seramai 1,249 peserta di empat buah Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Pesekutuan (Felda) di Kedah boleh tersenyum gembira apabila Kerajaan Negeri akan memberi geran kepada individu yang mengusahakan tanah dengan keluasan keseluruhan 3,026 hektar.

Menteri Besar Kedah YAB Dato’ Seri Ustaz Azizan Abdul Razak berkata, Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri telah setuju untuk memberikan geran tanah berkenaan kepada peserta Felda Teloi Timur (2482 hektar), Felda Bukit Tangga (1496.5 hektar), Felda Laka Selatan (378.2 hektar) dan Felda Gunung Bungsu (490.9 hektar).

“Kerajaan Negeri dalam mesyuarat telah putuskan untuk beri geran tanah kepada peserta Felda seluas 3026 hektar bagi peneroka felda. Geran sendiri,” katanya kepada media selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat mingguan Exco di sini.

Katanya, Kerajaan Negeri akan keluarkan geran milik sendiri bagi setiap peserta Felda berkenaan berkuatkuasa sekarang.

Beliau memberitahu jumlah peserta yang akan menerima geran tanah berkenaan ialah seramai 610 orang (Felda Teloi Timur), 374 (Felda Bukit Tangga), 85 (Felda Laka Selatan dan seramai 180 dari Felda Gunung Bungsu dengan jumlah keseluruhan 1,249 orang.

Beliau mengucapkan tahniah kepada semua peserta yang terlibat dan Kerajaan Negeri menghargai usaha mereka yang membantu kerajaan dalam meningkatkan bidang pertanian.

~warta kedah~

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