The agenda-setting theory is the theory that the news media have a large influence on audiences by their choice of what stories to consider newsworthy and how much prominence and space to give them.[1] Agenda-setting theory’s main postulate is salience transfer. Salience transfer is the ability of the news media to transfer issues of importance from their news media agendas to public agendas. "Through their day-by-day selection and display of the news, editors and news directors focus our attention and influence our perceptions of what are the most important issues of the day. This ability to influence the salience of topics on the public agenda has come to be called the agenda setting role of the news media."[2]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIanya merupakan satu kaedah dimana pemerintah menentukan apa yang perlu di ketahui dan apa yang tidak perlu diketahui oleh publik. Peranan Editor media pula adalah sebagai "gate keeper" bagi meluluskan sesuatu isu atau berita yang selari dengan perancangan agenda kerajaan.